Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a disease of the spine characterized by degeneration of the intervertebral disc, with the presence of a significant decrease in its height, reactive growth of the marginal osteophyte, as well as sclerosis of the spinal discs.
The vertebrae of the cervical region are quite close to each other. The muscle structure in this area has a relatively weak development, so cervical osteochondrosis, even with a slight load, leads to a displacement of the spinal disc, followed by compression of the nerves and blood vessels.
The cartilage tissue of the disc affected by osteochondrosis gradually transforms and degenerates into a bone formation. As a result, the disc hardens and decreases in size and eventually loses the cushioning properties between the vertebral discs, causing pressure on the nerve endings, with the further appearance of pain.
The intervertebral discs of the cervical region are a fibrocartilaginous plate. In the middle of the disc is the nucleus, which is surrounded by a fibrous ring, that is, a tendon-like tissue. The intervertebral disc does not have a vascular system, and therefore nutrition occurs with the help of other tissues.
An important source of intervertebral discs are the spinal muscles, it is their dystrophy that leads to symptoms of osteochondrosis. In the process of lifting weights, jumping or other physical exertion, the shock-absorbing functions of the spine maintain the necessary distance between the vertebrae. The disorder is a pathology. Photo below.

I would like to emphasize, since protrusions (the main signs of osteochondrosis) are much more likely to form in the lumbar spine, and then complications appear - intervertebral hernias.
An intervertebral disc protrusion is a prolapse (protrusion) of the disc without rupture of the fibrous ring.
The outflow of the nucleus pulposus, that is, the rupture of the fibrous ring, is a herniated disc, the final stage of osteochondrosis.
Reasons for development
- Infections.
- Intoxication.
- Metabolic disease.
- Age changes.
- genetic predisposition.
- Lack of fluids and vitamins in the diet (malnutrition).
- Spine injury.
- Overweight.
- Bad ecology.
- Posture disorder.
- Rachiocampsi.
- Flat feet.
- A sedentary lifestyle of the body.
- Instability of the spinal segments.
- Prolonged stay in uncomfortable positions (pressure on the discs).
- Frequent jerky movements or changes in body position.
- Spinal overload due to wearing uncomfortable shoes, such as high heels.
- Exercise.
- Unevenly developed muscular skeletal system.
- Pregnancy.
- stressful situations.
- Excessive alcohol consumption.
- To smoke.
- Hypothermia.
- Staying in a cold environment for a long time.
- Nervous tension.
signs and symptoms
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine has the following symptoms:
- Vertigo, headache. It should be emphasized that in most cases the signs of cervical osteochondrosis are accompanied by headaches. This circumstance is associated with pressure on the cervical vessels and head. Usually, these symptoms and the pain syndrome cause a person severe discomfort, reducing performance. In addition, the headache intensifies with various movements of the body;
- dizzinessappear during a sharp turn of the head to the side;
- Pain in the chest and armsduring the period of osteochondrosis of the cervical region, it is very similar to the signs of angina pectoris, that is, burning or pressing pain in the heart. In most cases, pain in the hands is accompanied by a tingling sensation and numbness;
- Lumbago- This is the most common symptom of cervical osteochondrosis. An unpleasant sensation similar to that of severe pain extends to the fingers of the hands;
- Numbness of the tongue. The appearance of this symptom of cervical osteochondrosis causes a restriction of the movements of the tongue. In this regard, many patients complain of a change in the tone of the vocal cords (they become very rough), as well as in speech.

Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment are carried out by specialist doctors - vertebrologist, orthopedist, neurosurgeons, with the help of a visual examination of the patient in connection with impaired mobility or deformity. Examine the patient in a sitting, lying, standing, resting, or moving position. The level of damage to the spinal area is determined according to a special scheme.
Determination of the localization, degree and nature of pain, increased tension in the muscles along the spine is carried out by feeling the spine. Bending, turning, bending the body indicate the range of motion in the affected area.
In the future, osteochondrosis is diagnosed using MRI, computed tomography or x-ray. Checking the condition of the vessels of the cervical region requires the appointment of a duplex scan or ultrasound tomography.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and its complications are treated with conservative methods aimed at eliminating pain syndromes, dysfunction of the spinal roots and preventing the progression of dystrophic changes in the structure of the spine. In the event that conservative treatment is ineffective, then, according to certain indications, surgical (operative) treatment is performed, in which the volume depends on the clinical manifestation of osteochondrosis and the level of the lesion.
Treatment of osteochondrosis directly depends on the severity of the course of the disease, age-related changes, the method of treatment used, the conscientious implementation of the recommendations and prescriptions of the attending physician. Usually, at the beginning of treatment, there is an increase in pain in the cervical spine, but soon they are stopped by the use of drugs, physiotherapy procedures, as well as the performance of physical procedures and therapeutic massage.
The most effective result in the treatment of osteochondrosis is the complex treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system as a whole.
Exercises and gymnastics for osteochondrosis in the cervical spine help to reduce pain, strengthen the cervical muscles, so that osteochondrosis reduces the likelihood of relapse.
- We recommend starting witha simple exercise: ten unclear turns of the cervical spine. Gymnastics is performed as follows: the head turns in one direction, while freezing at one point for a few seconds, then in the other, repeating the procedure. During the exercise, the head should not be lowered, the gaze is directed in front of you.
- Exercises: tilt your head. The head is tilted to the left to touch the shoulder joint with the ear and the shoulders must be kept relaxed. We repeat on the right side. The above exercises restore shock absorption properties. Photo below.
- Stretching exercises for the neck muscles.We bend the neck and tilt the head back and forth. In the advancement process, the chin is pressed against the chest and held in a similar position for several seconds. As a result, we screw the head into its original position and tilt it back. The exercises are repeated ten times.

As you can see, exercises or gymnastics for the neck are very simple, but extremely effective. The important thing is to train regularly..
Osteochondrosis is not a sentence! Drug treatment, massage, therapeutic exercises are quite possible at home.
Massage of the cervical spine with osteochondrosis is carried out in the presence of a person close to you. Massage oil is used to reduce discomfort.
To carry out the procedure, the neck is prepared, thereby laying the patient on a large surface and placing a folded towel under the shoulder blades. These actions will help stretch the neck muscles and lengthen the spine. For some time, the patient's muscles relax. As a result, the patient sits in a chair with a straight back..
After some time, the neck is lubricated with massage oil. The oil takes into account the drugs that have the effect of relieving headaches. This oil usually contains capsaicin, which heats up when used, thus providing a comfortable environment when the massage is performed.
Then, the massage begins like this, the trapezius muscle is tried, which descends from the upper part of the neck to the shoulder. Knead it hard enough to feel the pressure, but gently, painlessly. The left side muscle is massaged with the right hand. Each muscle is counted for five minutes, then allowed to rest and repeated again.
The massage is completed by wrapping the massaged place with a warm towel, after which bed rest is desirable.. The correct exercise of the massage causes drowsiness.